
Sending and Receiving Messages Worldwide Made Simple

With the world’s most popular messaging app

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Create a memorable Customer Experience

  • Customer engagement

    Increase customer engagement using WhatsApp Business API

  • Personalized experience

    Provide personalized communication to increase your brand’ engagement

  • Rich two-way communication

    Use pictures, audios, videos and response lists to sustain unmatched interactive communication

  • Enhanced customer reach

    Speak to customers directly in real-time using automated messages that can be set up in seconds

What you can do with WhatsApp APIs

Send Documents, Audios and Images

Multimedia sharing for important updates and reminders

Send Notifications Periodically

Alert customers on deliveries, orders, and appointments

Share and Receive Location of Venue

Manage deliveries and allow tracking through location-sharing

Share Event Calendar and Tickets

Keep customers updated on important happenings

Engage and Educate Customers with Videos

Deliver templated videos to keep users interested

Local language interactions

40+ enabled languages allow striking a chord with the audience

Templated messages

Optimize collection of opt-ins from customers

Start using Korero whats app API today for complete engagement


End-to-end encryption both for businesses and end-customers


Touchpoint Business Solution provider for a well-rounded experience

Easy Integration

Smart Business API for effortless syncing

Finance Operations

Travel bookings, delivery rescheduling and account operations

Full-featured, extensively documented API

Start sending and receiving whatsApp messages through a simple HTTP JSON-based API that works in any programming language:

  • C#/.NET
  • Node.JS
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
Get Your API Key

Engage Customers in a relevant, timely and personal way

The WhatsApp Business API allows enterprises to engage with customers creatively, channelling a two-way conversation to the business’ advantage. The app is well-suited for alerts, notifications and all-round customer support.

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